7 definitions by Mr. C.

A tale of one's past exploits, told with immense detail, often tracking through several other unrelated exploits, eventually returning to the initial purpose of the tale after losing many listeners along the way.
After hypnotising the audience with his squire, David left the room chuffed at his efforts, although a little perplexed at the less than euphoric response.
by Mr. C. December 1, 2004
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Icky. Unwelcome, lingering presence that fills an office, making the occupants skin crawl.
Colin is an icky individual.
by Mr. C. December 1, 2004
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1. A subconcious attempt to inflame a chronic turrette sufferer by confusing a surname with an adjective.

2. A bizarre hieroglyph that mysteriously appears in concrete after alumina refinery expansions. Not unkin to the appearance of crop circles.
There have been no known sightings of a Black Neville since 1983. Scientists believe the next Black Neville will appear some time in 2009.
by Mr. C. December 2, 2004
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A shameful display of blaming everyone else, other than one's own short-comings, after a bitter defeat.
The Innisfail State High School representatives at the 1987 Peninsula Region titration competition were humiliated in their loss to the Smithfield State High School representatives. The accusations of tampering with the titrant and buret only reinforce the episode as an Innisfailure.
by Mr. C. December 6, 2004
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A low mono-tonal whine often mistaken for undewater seismic testing. Often followed by mass beachings of marine mammals.
The recent dolphin strandings are suspected to be caused by a Furness.
by Mr. C. December 1, 2004
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A vacuuous expression afforded by someone in a position of leadership in order to feign interest in the response to questions. Often used in conjunction with an unsynchronised nod and "hmmm".
Daryl was met with a "Chief" after being questioned by his supervisor about the recent tragedy in which his entire family was killed in a freakish accident.
by Mr. C. December 2, 2004
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An explanation offered with little clarity, to which the listener is met with a scoff and expression of disdain when requesting further detail.
The hour long discussion was full of obviousisms that left all, but one, feeling inadequate.
by Mr. C. December 1, 2004
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