6 definitions by Moccodile

Someone who is addicted to any form of fried potato.
Dude 1: "Hey, you're eating another bowl of chips?"
Dude 2: "I can't help it, chips love me, I'm a chip magnet!"
by Moccodile January 30, 2020
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A subcategory of Mansplaining in which a man uses a redundant analogy to explain something that is easily comprehended by 99.99% of people.
Dude: "So I was driving my car and then had to stop at a red light, it was so annoying. This is just like when you're walking and have to stop at a pedestrian crossing".

Chick: "Oh thanks, I wouldn't have understood your anguish without your manalogy".
by Moccodile April 8, 2020
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The obligation one has to watch a particular TV series or movie after it was recommended by a friend, colleague or family member.

The victim of Recommendation Obligation feels a sense of guilt and anxiety which is only relieved by watching the entire movie or TV series.

NOTE: Social etiquette dictates that one must suffix any recommendation with "but don't feel obliged to watch it if you're busy or if it's not your thing or whatever".
Ohhh, I'm so tired, my buddy told me to watch "Gossip Girl" so I felt Recommendation Obligation and watched every season, even though I hated it.
by Moccodile June 18, 2020
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A medical syndrome in which the patient develops symptoms identical to Covid-19, eg sore throat, coughing, fever.

Patient later tests negative for Covid-19

Fauxvid-19 can be caused by other cold and flu viruses, or can be a case of hypochondria.

Also known as Fauxronavirus and SARS-Faux-V-2.
Oh man I felt so unwell and was worried that I had Covid-19. But luckily it just turned out to be Fauxvid-19.
by Moccodile December 24, 2021
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A medical syndrome in which the patient develops symptoms identical to Coronavirus - eg sore throat, coughing, fever.

Patient later tests negative for Coronavirus.

Fauxronavirus can be caused by other cold and flu viruses, or can be a case of hypochondria.

Also known as Fauxvid-19 and SARS-Faux-V-2.
Oh man I felt so unwell and was worried that I had Coronavirus. But luckily it just turned out to be Fauxronavirus!
by Moccodile December 24, 2021
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The vegan, plant-based alternative to crocodile meat. Also used for faux crocodile skin handbags, purses and shoes.
Dude 1: Hey I thought you were vegan, why are you eating crocodile?

Dude 2: This is actually MOCCODILE, it's 100% vegan.

Dude 1: What does it taste like?

Dude 2: Really authentic... A bit like mock chicken.
by Moccodile March 8, 2020
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