31 definitions by Misty Partly Cloudy

Missheard Alert

When you're alerted by a false alarm or anything false.
Them : Did someone just mention there's an Amber Alert right now?

Us: No , that was a Missheard Alert.
by Misty Partly Cloudy June 5, 2022
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A word my mother uses to curse because she doesn't say swear words.
Mom : oh tarnation! Where the heck did I put my car keys?

Me: What actually is a tarnation?

Mom: I have no idea.

by Misty Partly Cloudy June 5, 2022
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The opposite of internal because external makes no sense. Like who decides this stuff?!
Me- if external and externally mean outside of something then shouldn't it actually be called outernal? You know, internal and outernal?
Him- no.
Me- That makes no sense. You don't say inside/ exside you say inside/outside. People are dumb.
Him- ya.
by Misty Partly Cloudy September 29, 2023
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Suck my bitch, dick!

It's the women's version of suck my dick, bitch!
You - wow, you look like a hot mess today! Whose bed did you crawl outta?

Me -Suck my bitch, dick!
by Misty Partly Cloudy June 15, 2022
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When something that's corrosive lasts a long time, the act of corroding.
Dude, a drop of bleach water just splashed in my eye and it's been corrosiving in there for 15 minutes.
by Misty Partly Cloudy July 30, 2019
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When your trying to figure something out and wondering if it's possible.
Someone - I wonder if it's possible to even figure this out?

Someone else - Of course! Everything is figureoutable!
by Misty Partly Cloudy May 31, 2022
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A condition that your chihuahua named Napoleon (poly for short) gives you cause he so freaking cute.
I got a case of polyosis from my chihuahua cause he's so freaking cute, and I cant stop polyosissing out about him.
by Misty Partly Cloudy December 17, 2020
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