The kid

The gangta version of the man. A hustler, a lover, a fighter, an artist (in a way), the best at everything he does.
The Kid is crazy! He'll beat your ass then take your bitch and her best friend.
by K - I - D24 February 7, 2006
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The kid

the man who coined the phrase "stunning" the ultimate scene maker, con-man, wheeler and dealer. the Stun boy, charlie O say it aint soo.
woooooooooooooooooow what a scene, Stunning very stunning
by Anonymous August 9, 2003
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The kid

Cassiun is the kid.
The kid gets bare gyal
by The sauce kid January 24, 2019
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Kids For Kids

Kids For Kids is a nice place to trade your kids for.. BETTER KIDS!
Customer - "I will trade two white boys for that asian boy."
Customer 2 - "Make it 3 white boys and then we have a deal."
Thats Kids For Kids In A Nutshell
by reeetastic July 17, 2018
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A Kid's Kid

An all around cool guy/gal. One of those people that everybody loves, adores, cherishes. Everyone wants to hang out with a kid's kid. Do not be mistaken, we are not talking about a kids physical kid. Term discovered and created in Indianapolis, Indiana, September 2012.
Yeah, Jimmy D is such a kid's kid
by INrepresent October 7, 2011
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Frick STI, condoms were invented to prevent kids.
by Anonymouse🐀 December 16, 2018
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Kid A

Radiohead's fourth studio album.

One of the most creative, original and innovative albums to come out of 2000. It was a huge change for the band after the success of the brilliant OK Computer. With no singles or videos, radio stations didn't know what to make of it. However, fans fell in love with the strange and bizarre album and it's sales shot into No. 1. Soon after the shocking sales, they were booked to play on Saturday Night Live and the chaos that followed OK Computer would repeat again for Radiohead.
Quote from WikiPedia: When asked in 2001 by MTV, "How do you guys feel about the fact that bands like Travis, Coldplay, and Muse are making a career sounding exactly like your records did in 1997?", Yorke replied: "Good luck with Kid A."
by AcidTears September 29, 2005
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