19 definitions by Mike Jones

to throw up a peace sign, to give props or say whats up. Or to say goodbye, or to get some ones attention.
chunk duce.
by Mike Jones March 31, 2004
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a large african beast of unknown origins, although it is beleived its base form is known as just allende. if angered its muscles will expand, its body hair will increase and become highly agressive.
friend#1:hey allende
friend#2:ha ha your a loser allende
friend#1:watch out, its transforming
bystander:ITS UMPEDE, UMPEDE!!!
friend#2:run!!its growing!
by Mike Jones June 16, 2006
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a hit of LSD in the 60's. it is not weed. people started calling it weed becasue they thought the jimi song was about weed but infact it is about acid. listen to the lyrics and you can tell that it is about LSD, not weed. some people refer to purple haired weed as purple haze but the real purple haze is LSD. jimi hendrix played every time with 1 hit of acid in each eye, 3 in his bandana, and 1 in his gums
purple haze, all around... dont know, if im COMIN UP OR DOWN.
by Mike Jones November 8, 2004
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Answer to the question Why wouldn't ya?
Greg - So, Head Santa. I seek an answer to the age old question, which has occupied my every thought for these past months. Why wouldn't ya?

Head Santa - Well you would!
by Mike Jones January 10, 2004
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The act or process of lying supine on the dodgy carpet while an accomplice pours goon into your mouth straight from the goon bag
Greg - Hey, I feel like a goon layback

Mike - Why wouldn't ya? Naki, get the goon bag
by Mike Jones January 10, 2004
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best rap group ever only real gangsters..stayed true threw everythign
by Mike Jones March 15, 2005
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