11 definitions by Mik

A shite hole, with the very shite football club, burnley is very competetive with blackburn, but blackburn always seems to win at everything
Fu*k burnley right off, sheep sheep sheep shaggers,
by Mik January 7, 2004
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She stold my man.
They stold my vibes.
by Mik July 11, 2003
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Generic word for Seattle biotech company Zymo Genetics Inc.
I work for Zymo, Zymo is a great company to work for
by Mik April 11, 2005
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A derisive word used to belittle and demean another individual, especially if they happen to be spanish/mexican/dirty. Puto has a similar connotation as calling a man a "bitch" but may also be used in reference to any dirty slut who deserves it.
hombre #1: "I ain't afraid of no jail meng"

hombre #2: "You should be. They're gonna pass your puto ass around like currency"
by Mik March 25, 2003
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An exclamation of anger or another extreme emotion. A cry to the likes and meaning of 'DAMN IT!'
'PIFFLE!' he shouted as he found the door open and his car keys gone.
by Mik March 11, 2003
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An add on for Halo PC that allows you to play user created content such as multiplayer maps which give players the freedom to create new weapons, vehicles, and environments to share with the public.
"I just downloaded this map pack with 100 different maps and I'm dieing to play it on Halo Ce."
by Mik February 14, 2005
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Polite word used to replace the 'C Word' where not appropriate eg; on a chat-forum such as Saintsforever where young, innocent eyes could be reading.
That blokes a total budgie if you ask me. Stop treating me like a budgie you budgie.
by Mik February 17, 2005
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