27 definitions by Mic Check

say brah

It's basically a way to say hi or whats up to another individual
say=hey brah=bro
say brah = hey bro
by Mic Check August 24, 2005
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real shit

Dat's some real shit
Let me speak on some real shit
My dog Mike and Ronnie stay on some real shit
by Mic Check August 30, 2005
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ya heard me

Do you understand me? ya heard
popular in New Orleans.
the phrase is suppose to come after a sentence.
-Go get my shit, ya heard me.
-Say brah, I'm chillin here in Orlando, ya heard me.
-C-murder's innocent, ya heard me.
by Mic Check August 30, 2005
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1. The action of putting a lit cigarette in someones eye
If you put a cigarette in someone's eye, the eye swells up similar to the way a marshmallow expands when it's heated.
Melissa, if you touch me one more time I'm gonna take this cigarette and give you a marshmallow.
by Mic Check September 21, 2005
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corn flake

1. a white guy, usually a corny white guy
2. could be used to describe a white guy
1. Look at this corn flake trying to dance.
2. Look at this corn flaking ass sucker tripping over himself
by Mic Check August 30, 2005
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abbreveation for New Orleans
by Mic Check October 12, 2005
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curly head

1. police, curly, blue eyes
comes from the stereotype that cops are white males blue eyed and curly hair or from curly, the bald stooge of the three stooges.
1. Drew got arrested by curly head last night.
2. Curly head couldn't catch Mike he was to smart for them.
3. Pushin' the dope steady duckin' blue eyes and curly heads -Juvenile
by Mic Check August 29, 2005
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