9 definitions by MemeFalcon

When you are attracted to people who provide good memes/ can appreciate a good meme.

Is not to be confused with having an attraction towards a meme itself.
Inlove memer: he sent me an old dat Boi meme and I got a bit turned off but he made up for it with crying Michael Jordan.

Inlove memer's friend; woah that's like memesexual bro.
by MemeFalcon January 7, 2017
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A slang word for attractive. Calling a person lamb sauce means they are so attractive even chef Gordon Ramsay would love to find someone like them.

person 1; Gordon please calm down lamb sauce is out there somewhere.

Person 2; you'll find lamb sauce some day.
by MemeFalcon January 7, 2017
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To take a nap in school. Can be mistaken for a classy way of saying "snap".
School kid; oh wow Timmy is schnapping again.

(What it can be mistaken for)
School kid 2; he would want to wake up, and make it schnappy.
by MemeFalcon January 7, 2017
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The bone between your shin and ankle.
Girl; Ow my shinkle hurts. I think I might have sprained it.
by MemeFalcon January 7, 2017
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The alternative word for girl.

Not to be confused with a barbecue grill.
by MemeFalcon January 8, 2017
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When a person is addicted to adding late night definitions on urban dictionary.
I'm such a Lurbaniac and I should be sleeping.
by MemeFalcon January 8, 2017
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An amazing man/ human bean. He is smol and must be protected at all costs. He has saved many people's lives with his deep lyrics. Has a beautiful wife named Jenna and a strong bromance with josh dun, the bands drummer. They both combine to make twenty one pilots.
Fangirl 1; hwbrbdkjanbdnw Tyler Joseph is so cute and haht all at once.

Fangirl 2; It's great to see all the awards he's finally getting for his beautiful music and hard work.
by MemeFalcon January 7, 2017
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