17 definitions by McDaddy's Big Patties

The regionally appropriate term for "hamburgers" in Albany, New York.
Though phrased as "steamed", a steamed ham is typically grilled, and served on a platter often containing more than a quarter dozen of the aforementioned dish and various french fries.
Not to be confused with "steamed clams", a similarly phrased dish which can often be mistaken for steamed hams.
Oh, no, I said, “steamed hams.” That’s what I call hamburgers.
by McDaddy's Big Patties February 20, 2018
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1. North Korea's premier torture technique typically involving odd chants. These chants often involve the phrase "X plus or minus", "Y over two", "4AC", or "Variable"
2. A subject in school designed to hold back students. Synonym of "to torture".
3. Ritual sacrifice of a student's GPA.
4. Satanic magic.
1. The North Korean prisoner refused to admit to disrespecting Kim Jong Un, so the guards forced him to undergo algebra courses until he confessed.
2. Johnny told Mark he had to go to summer school for algebra, making Mark feel sorry for him.
3. Lisa knew that eventually, she'd have to sacrifice her GPA by undergoing algebra.
4. To his dismay, Ross found a group of hooded figures preforming algebra in the school basement.
by McDaddy's Big Patties November 4, 2017
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Similar to the torture method "Algebra", though less severe, and has some applications to reality.
John's geometry course taught him nothing about life, as John wanted to be a lawyer later in life.
by McDaddy's Big Patties November 8, 2017
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A celebrity chef from the English provinces popularized by his habitual rage towards those he deems "unfit" to be in his kitchen. Ramsay is most famous for his television show Hell's Kitchen, and became popular due to his vocabulary being equivalent to a South Park character if they were from Britain.
Gordon Ramsay screeched at the chef for his incompetence.
by McDaddy's Big Patties November 9, 2017
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A famous hijack of a Mountain Dew contest called "Dub The Dew" (in promotion of Mountain Dew's newest apple flavored beverage) pulled off by the website 4chan. It, along with "Gushing Granny", "Moist Nugget", "Fapple", "Diabetus" and others made it as the finalists of the contest.
A: I'd like to order a bottle of Hitler Did Nothing Wrong
B: Sorry, there's none left in stock. We're all sold out.
by McDaddy's Big Patties April 11, 2017
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A small town in California that wishes it was still the 1950s, though fails to understand that it's the mid 2010s. The majority of the population is either over 60 or under 30.
The population is largely comprised of Whites and Asians (though most behave as if they wished to be a reverse Michael Jackson), though an Indian and African American population also exist, but are far less prevalent.
Most of the community is extremely easily agitated by those who do not indulge in the 1950s fantasy (or simply those who do not enjoy the outdoors, or those who dislike athletic activities).
Largely a community created by the local Saint Mary's College's (the college fostering the largest acceptance rate in California) student base graduates and/or alumni.
When Jamie left Moraga, he was surprised to learn that technology beyond automobiles existed.
by McDaddy's Big Patties November 7, 2017
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The world's most brilliant filmmaker, Mr. Wiseau is an accomplished actor and director responsible for the masterpiece "The Room". Tommy's IQ is estimated to be in the range of 156-161.
Also occasionally referred to as "That actor who looks like the guy from The Interview".
I went to a screening of The Room, and bore witness to Tommy Wiseau.
by McDaddy's Big Patties November 7, 2017
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