15 definitions by Mavericklax4
Sap is the creamy substance that comes out of your man tree. When one saps, one excretes this fluid.
by Mavericklax4 April 27, 2007
When a sports team, most commonly basketball, knows a game is out of reach and subs in the bench warmers to play out the rest of the game.
by Mavericklax4 March 27, 2007
A resident of the town of Mattituck on Long Island. It is also the mascot of Mattituck high school. They spend their days picking corn and sucking at basketball.
by Mavericklax4 March 27, 2007
A guy who thinks he's God's gift to women and better than everyone else. You can find him hitting the clubs on the weekends, ladykillin' with a jack and coke in hand. They are always huge tools and have more muscle than is practical on a human, an absurb amount of hair gel, a gold chain, and chest hair popping out of an opened shirt.
"You see that dude over there with the spiked hair and the popped collar trying to spit game to those girls? What a Shooterrr haha!"
by Mavericklax4 March 27, 2007
by Mavericklax4 March 28, 2007
by Mavericklax4 March 27, 2007
Worse than a brain fart, a brain shart has far worse consequences. A brain shart is doing something completely idiotic but in a key situation, or in a way that brings about serious repercussions.
Who can ever forget Chris Webber's brain shart in the 1993 NCAA championship game in which he called a timeout when his team had none, thereby getting a techinical foul and giving UNC the crown.
Because of a colossal brain shart on air in front of millions, Imus is out of a job and out on his can.
Because of a colossal brain shart on air in front of millions, Imus is out of a job and out on his can.
by Mavericklax4 April 27, 2007