12 definitions by Markee Mark

n. A saying you call out to prevent others from sitting in your spot; often shows your friends' respect for you.
Null and void if your friends really don't give a shit about you.
When you're at the superbowl and you want to save the best seat in the living room, you'll want to call Seat Caps so when you get back from the bathroom you can get back to that sweet ass couch.
by Markee Mark May 10, 2007
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A baby made by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie "Stolen Identity 3". Usually seen with a cigar in his mouth.
"He's so cute! He has your eyes!"

"of course he does! He's my Clone Baby!!"

"eeyeeaaahyeahya.. goo goo gah gah mah mah."
by Markee Mark May 13, 2008
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n. 1.A navy term for a screaming man on fire.
2. A fiery god of the Alphaball, created by the magical ink of Tink's pen.
The screamingalpha brought havoc to all created by making his giant army.
by Markee Mark March 27, 2007
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n. A man who literally always wears his beanie.
Scott: "You've worn that thing in the shower for the 5th time this month!"
Brian: "I just forget I have it on!"
Scott: "You're such a Beanie Man."
by Markee Mark May 10, 2007
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When someone is just being a really big dick.
Bob! Why do you have to keep eating the last ice cream sandwich from the fridge all the time!? You are being a stupid Niggerdick!
by Markee Mark May 18, 2007
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1. (n.) King Savage
2. (v.) The act of chugging a mixed drink with 5 or more shots worth of strong alcohol. Minimum requirement that the container be at least the same size of a standard "red plastic cup" (a "Flip-cup" cup).
3. (n.) The rightful name to the one who can chug the biggest shot-worth amount of alcohol in one cup.
cmon, man! K-Sav that shit! Ohhh! Only a King Savage could handle something like that!
by Markee Mark September 2, 2007
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A hard candy-like snack enjoyed by people in Super Mario Galaxy.
I need to eat 80 star bits to burst with snacky happiness then transform!
by Markee Mark May 13, 2008
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