38 definitions by Mad Walrus

"I sneezed out a green grolly with hairs in."
by Mad Walrus August 4, 2002
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(1337) Means 'rocks' in 1337-speak
"That's rox0r!"
by Mad Walrus August 4, 2002
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(Us.) The process of 'whupping someone's ass' (beating them, usually in combat). Can be used in the term 'can of whupass'.
"I'm gonna open up a can of whupass on you, fool!"
by Mad Walrus August 7, 2002
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In fighting games, when a player defeats an enemy who was blocking (throws excepted). Used in Darkstalkers 3, and alternatives like 'cheap', 'cheese', and 'super cheese' are used in various Capcom-branded fighting games.
"Whup my ass with a cheap finish, eh? Time to feed the Vengeance Monster!"
by Mad Walrus December 23, 2002
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A snack eaten in South Park, presumably by Eric Cartman.
"I made beefy logs.. I made cookie dings!"
by Mad Walrus August 7, 2002
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