19 definitions by MX

Students Against Destructive decisions (formally known as Students Against Drinking and Driving)
Against many forms of drugs, narcotics, etc. Formed of people who believe what everyone tells them, and will eventually jump off of a cliff because someone told them they were druggies if they didn't.
"The media says drugs are bad, so I decided to join SADD."

"That one commercial with the high guys running over the little kid looked so real."

"I've never done drugs, but I'm against them because I know all about them."
by MX November 1, 2003
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STFU n00b i just shoved Sp00ncore! down ur throat.
by MX March 20, 2003
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There's no kid prettier or weirder than Xaeta.
by MX January 26, 2018
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Checkered shirts made out of flannelette, usually worn until old and ragged with jeans or khakis. Worn by working class people like builders, construction workers etc.
by MX October 2, 2003
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A greeting or racist slur, used against BOFH.
Someone: Sup Niglim
BOFH: nm talking to Larney.
Someone: Ok.
by MX December 14, 2004
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A series of conflicts (1096-1204) in which European conscripts called by the Catholic Church attempted to conquer the Holy Land. The First Crusade (1096-1099) was actually an answer to the Byzantine Empire's (the surviving eastern half of the Roman Empire, and the largest Christian country at the time) call for assistance fighting the Muslims. Pope Urban II asked the Catholics to go on an "armed pilgrimage" to the Holy Land and establish a kingdom there. This call wasn't answered by any monarchs, and very few nobles or knights. For the most part, the "crusaders" were an angry mob of commoners such as peasants, merchants, and prostitutes. Somehow this mob managed to establish a kingdom in Jerusalem, which later fell to the Muslims. The Second Crusade (1147-1149) was a bit better organized, but was met with heavy Muslim resistance. The Third Crusade (1189-1192) was answered by King Richard I of England, King Philip II of France, and Frederick I Barbarossa of the Holy Roman Empire (Germany). Frederick drowned in a river on the way to the Holy Land, and Philip and Richard began fighting among themselves. The Fourth Crusade (1202-1204) was the last major one. These crusaders weren't even after the Holy Land this time; they sought to defeat the Byzantine Empire, and thus were fighting other Christians.
The fact that the Crusades even happened is sadly ironic, as Jesus' teachings were of love and peace.
by MX December 17, 2003
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We saw a rockin' show in kville.
by MX August 30, 2004
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