14 definitions by MLGYolofade


this is what every enraged 8-9 year old ROBLOX players.
This is a bypass that is used by you know, 8-9 year old roblox players.
You can find this in SOME fighting games.
-does something in a fighting game-
that annoying 8 year old kid: U STUPED
by MLGYolofade June 4, 2020
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Just like pay2win, except that instead of paying for an item, you watch an ad to get special items. (Usually common on horrible mobile games).
Game: Please watch an ad to get a nuke.
Person: What a watch2win game.
by MLGYolofade February 25, 2021
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Technoblade, also known as the Blood God, is a pig with hot smoking elbows and beats up little children in a game that involves breaking beds. He is usually known for virtually beating up children. Involved in Minecraft Monday, everyone hates him and one time tried to team on him.

Beating Dream in a duel, he claimed the title of the best PVPer in Minecraft.
"Is that technoblade OH MY GOSH"
NoobMaster69 was never to be seen again
by MLGYolofade October 1, 2020
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ez rq

"ez rq" means "easy rage quit". it means that you made them easily rage quit without having to start a long argument.
Its like rq but with a touch of ez to it.
-player leaves game after getting killed-
You: ez rq
by MLGYolofade May 23, 2020
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imma touch you

when yo friend boutta do sum freaky shi
guy 1: "yo wsg bro"

guy 2: "imma touch you"
by MLGYolofade March 22, 2024
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Nons is a common word used in hypixel to someone that doesn't have a rank.
MVP NoobMaster69: ay bro you see those dumb nons over there?
VIP+ 96MasterNoob: Yeah he looks so dumb
by MLGYolofade October 13, 2020
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i'm not trying

"i'm not trying" is an excuse for people who lost in 1v1s.

It's basically an excuse to get away from the fact that you're actually bad at the game.
You might find this is Roblox fighting games, or other games as well.
*opponent loses 1v1*
Opponent: "i'm not trying"
by MLGYolofade May 28, 2020
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