500 definitions by MARK

A term often reserved for the act of anal intercourse. See also up the pumper
"Shit man, I thought that bitch was finally gonna let me take a cruise up stinkhole cove last night, but she screamed: 'Lordy Hank, I told you I don't take it up the pumper!'"
by MARK November 23, 2003
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Yes, we may only be two square miles in size, but our population exceeds 10,000 and it takes approximately 10-15 minutes to get from one side of town to the other, depending on traffic. Nonetheless, we are the city where, literally, everybody knows your name. You grew up with the same kids, you know everyone's past; who they've dated, what grade they received on their last test, what street they live on and how many dogs their family owns. Our only high school is George Mason (not to be confused with George Mason University), and is one of the highest ranked in the country; despite being public, the typical graduating class is below 200. When asked where you live, DC is the most accurate response, seeing as we are 7 miles from the Nation's Capital...saying Northern Virginia simply doesn't do it justice (a commonly abused and over-used phrase). We know what the Metro is, and we use it too. Liberal, diverse (in our acceptance of all cultures), filled with opportunity, what's not to love? You are 5 minutes away, both directions, from anything and everything you need. It's fabulous, I love it, and I couldn't imagine growing up anywhere other than Falls Church, the city I call home.
Person A: Where are you From?
FCC Resident: Northern Virginia
Person A: Me too! I'm From Manassas.
FCC Resident: I'm 7 minutes away from DC...and I don't have a southern accent!
by MARK April 13, 2005
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A whinging scouser who is constantly depressed and moans non-stop throughout the day about things that have absolutely no importance whatsoever
My husband's left me, I'm on the rag and the cat's been run over, so I'm allowed the misterpam's sometimes.
by MARK September 12, 2003
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