9 definitions by Luke D Lorenz

Anything other than a typical forcast.

An atmospheric environmental occurance that you actually notice.
The night before, near Abu Gharib (Iraq), it went from the usual dead calm to a pretty stout 20 knot blow from the West. That night it rained pretty heavy, and the whole next day was pretty windy. Other than that there's been essentially no weather.
-e-mail log from Prometheus Towers/Berg

Any weather up there?
by Luke D Lorenz January 18, 2004
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Uncultured American English teacher:
"Hello class, today's phrase is: I'm sick."

by Luke D Lorenz January 22, 2004
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People within a community or members of a social strata that bring a negative image to that group as a whole. Individuals a person would especially wish to avoid because of their reputation or intent. Also used for people you do not know who look shady or intimidating. Plural: Element
We don't want to stop here, there's element watching.

We saw element in South Philly.
by Luke D Lorenz January 18, 2004
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Australian rural slang for hard work.
Dervied from the very tough yakka wood.
by Luke D Lorenz January 22, 2004
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Fair Dinkum Bargains

An Australian discount store.
I went to FDBs for BBQ Shapes and came back with a jumper.
by Luke D Lorenz January 20, 2004
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Regional Australian slang
for soccer.

Wog being an offensive term for a either a dark skinned foreigner or an Italian.
by Luke D Lorenz January 20, 2004
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