10 definitions by Liza


by Liza August 20, 2003
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sell out

The stupidest word ever created. Meant to describe a band that suddenly got popular. Suddenly, that band's music isn't good anymore, because they're too popular. Never to be used unless you want to sound like a moron who has no idea what you're talking about.
Oh my god, Green Day are such sell outs, and I'm a complete idiot who lives in my mom's basement.
by Liza October 5, 2003
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Cum is the shit that ejects from a man's penis and then is splirged anywhere in his room!
Nick splirged all over his bed after he rubbed himself raw!
by Liza December 13, 2003
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when refurring to someone.
that chinga over there is hot
by Liza January 11, 2005
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Italian for "little girl", used as slang for a good-looking young woman. Used like "baby" in English.
*to a pretty girl walking down the street* "Hey bambina, you break-a my heart! Where you going? Come with me!"
by Liza April 21, 2005
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