22 definitions by Lior Bar-On

Any artillery piece of a size suitable for holding and firing with one hand. Originally referred to a gas-operated pistol marketed by Magnum Research and made by Israel Military Industries, the term is now applied by the general gun-ignorant public to any really mean and scary looking pistol.
That frigging Desert Eagle could knock down a 747 from two miles away.
by Lior Bar-On June 18, 2004
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A commercial brand of mineral water, often served or sold under pretentious circumstances or marketing and/or at exorbitant cost.
I went to the cocktail bar with the guys, but as I was drivin' I had to sip designer water all evening.
by Lior Bar-On January 9, 2006
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A disclaimer - with emphasis on Covering Your Ass / Arse / Arsch.
DisCYAimer: The Manufacturer will not be held responsible if turning on this vacuum cleaner results in a nuclear detonation.
by Lior Bar-On April 3, 2005
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A person who solves problems - usually with brilliant, lucid thinking under pressure and stylish charisma for galvanizing other people into action.

The phrase comes from the film Pulp Fiction, and can now be used for any seriously efficient professional fixer.
Jules, Vincent and Jimmy didn't know what to do about Marvin until Winston Wolf turned up.

"I'm Winston Wolf. I solve problems."
by Lior Bar-On September 10, 2007
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A large prosthetic penis with four wheels, two doors and two seats.
He parked his Corvette by the club and by the time he came out he had a dozen phone numbers wedged under his wipers.
by Lior Bar-On June 18, 2004
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1. (noun) Act of unabashed hypocrisy, particularly by a person who holds authority.

2. A hypocrite in general.

3. (verb) Commit an act of severe hypocrisy.

Derived from the name of a famous politician who wants to ban all privately owned guns while they have a concealed weapon permit in a place where getting one is almost impossible.
What a Feinstein! He gave me a ticket and then drove off through a red light!

She's Feinsteined us again, that wicked lady!
by Lior Bar-On June 8, 2004
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An Irish airline (until they had to change the name).
"If any Cunnilingus flights fly over the UK, we'll shoot them down for immorality!"
by Lior Bar-On August 22, 2004
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