4 definitions by LightSpawn

Artificial Intelligence

Something to describe the intelligence of a computer-controlled charecter - ally or enemy - mostly used in games
Nerd: Wow, those boss' AI from that game was soooo low, I couldn't even get a proper challenge!
by LightSpawn February 28, 2010
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1. Japanese word for Eagle\Hawk
2. Thae name of the best (and only) Naruto Fansub that provides quality subtitles even today, Naruto Fans' (including me) Godly Fansub
1. Tobi ga Taka o umu - A Hawk born from a Kite (Japanese saying)
2. Dude1: Hey, Taka has subbed and released the new Naruto episode, have you seen it?
Dude2: No, I gotta see it, thanks, man!
by LightSpawn June 14, 2010
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Return to Base
Acronym used in the army/military
Echo One Alpha, we have no visual on the target, you want us to sweep? Over.

Strike Team Boss, leave him alone, RTB. Over.
by LightSpawn March 25, 2010
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"The End of the World"

It is said that on 21 Dec 2012 is "The Armageddon", or "Apocalypse" after the mayan calendar and more and more people start to belive that
Random Guy: Wow, look what barcode I have on my Cheetos pack, "21122012", maybe I should keep it for the end of the world! Hahaha
by LightSpawn March 12, 2010
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