40 definitions by Libertine

To start minding one's own business after having previously meddled in the concerns of others.
After being told to butt out, John left his friends alone to settle their differences.
by Libertine August 31, 2009
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"The coast is clear" is said when it has been determined that it is now safe to proceed; that there are no obstacles or witnesses to what one is about to do.
"The coast is clear", he thought as he watched his lover's husband drive away from the house.
by Libertine October 4, 2005
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1. To fail, to perform poorly.

2. To be rejected.
1. Tom was afraid that he was going to bomb out on his math test.

2. John bombed out when he asked Jane on a date.
by Libertine September 28, 2009
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This is what happens to a person's rear end after sitting for too long.
That movie was so long that I ended up with a major case of numb bum.
by Libertine September 4, 2009
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a big dramatic disagreement, a shouting match, or a knockdown dragdown fight.
When Mary caught Sue with her husband, they had a barn burner of a fight.
by Libertine October 2, 2005
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To totally ignore someone by pretending you are deaf, dumb, and blind.
My boss called me into the office to chew me out, but I gave him the Helen Keller routine.
by Libertine October 3, 2005
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A minivan.

Usually driven by mothers of young children. Mommy vans typically have stickers on the back of several varieties: stickers proclaiming that her child is an honor student, cartoonish people to represent everyone in the family, ribbon stickers for various charitable causes, etc.

Mommy vans are typically seen clogging up traffic lanes near schools, malls, grocery stores, and daycare centers.

Drivers of Mommy vans are commonly married to drivers of Daddy vans, aka SUVs.

Mommy vans are the successor of the station wagon, which was the mommy vehicle of choice before the 1980s
When she got pregnant, Mary traded in her sports car for a Mommy van.
by Libertine September 23, 2009
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