22 definitions by Leigh

a bunch of transexual brothers with floppy hair who made irritatingly stupid pointless music and had a swarm of air headed girls as fans while they were around.
air head:i love the moffatts

anyone with brains:fuck off!
by Leigh March 5, 2005
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1. a person with dark colored hair that is generally really cool and smart and knows a hell of alot more then blondes
2. if ya really want a lady..a brunette is the way to go. we have fun but actually know what we're talkin about.
all the hot girls that u see are generally brunettes and if they aren't then they died their hair and were originally brunettes.
by Leigh May 5, 2004
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1) Embalming fluid
2) PCP
3) A joint dipped in embalming fluid or possibly PCP
druggie #1: yo lets spark up some clickem!
druggie #2: hell no!... you know I don't like it wet.
by Leigh November 21, 2006
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watching Babmi's mother die made me wibble
by Leigh October 6, 2003
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1) An term to describe the use of a large number of people to accomplish a task. The outcome can be negatively affected when too many personnel are applied.

2) A military or online-gaming term for a military screw-up. Usually due to incompetent commanders... often results in friendly fire. Possibly an indication that two many soldiers were needlessly deployed in a small area.
programmer #1: there's like 20 people working on that bug.
programmer #2: uh, I think it'll be a total clusterfuck

soldier #1: awe fuck, I just shot Bobby
soldier #2: we're shooting at our own guys, this is a total clusterfuck!
by Leigh July 20, 2004
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meaning 'phat' but overson was more assimilated with 'fat' thinking he was 'phat'
that flow was 'overson' (when it wasnt at all good)
by Leigh September 5, 2003
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somthing that smells really badd!
nastyy...that woofs!!
by Leigh January 18, 2005
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