433 definitions by Larstait

The act of loading a program off of a disk device and into memory very quickly.
He slapped the program once he received it.
by Larstait November 7, 2003
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Experienced through someone else's actions by way of imagination.
Great literature broadens our minds by giving us vicarious participation in the lives of other people.
by Larstait November 8, 2003
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Lawful, permitted.
The licit activities occured at the household around 3pm.
by Larstait November 16, 2003
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The table of information on the package of every edible thing above 5~25 cents...contains the Amount Per Serving of Calories, Total Fat, Sodium, Total Carbohydrate, and other stuff that fat people worry about.
Bastardized Bottomburp searched vehemently for the Nutrition Facts of the twinkie package.

jk pls :~
by Larstait December 29, 2004
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Having the skill and knowledge needed for a particular task; capable.
Any competent lawyer can draw up a will.
by Larstait November 11, 2003
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The skeleton of a web site. Only cool nerd types can wield this mighty sword of justice.
I copy pasted the source code up his fat ass
by Larstait October 13, 2003
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