15 definitions by Lairor

A lame nickname sometimes used when referring to Peterborough, Ontario because we don't have our own nickname. See also, Sixth Borough, The.
Townie: Yo man, it's like the T-dot and the P-dot, right?
Student: No.
by Lairor October 26, 2004
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An open passageway of sorts, usually for transportation vehicles.
For the ignorant in the crowd, (i.e. "j") "The Road Not Taken" is by Robert Frost, NOT Emily Dickinson.
by Lairor December 11, 2004
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A style of handwriting where all the letters in a word are joined together. Sometimes referred to as just "handwriting."
The form said "PLEASE PRINT" so I didn't use cursive writing.
by Lairor December 8, 2004
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The Day I Messed With The Wrong Person (Chris Lewis). Acronym coined by Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka during his legal battle with Chris Lewis, Director of Communications, Ultimate Creations, Inc., a representative of former wrestler The Ultimate Warrior.
"I shall forever remember this day as the day I messed with the wrong person (Chris Lewis), or 'TDIMWTWP(CL)' for short. I like acronyms. And ponies." - Lowtax
by Lairor April 25, 2005
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When you're opposed to something, only to change your mind a year later in favour of it. Just like Ireland did with the Nice and Lisbon treaties.
Guy 1: "Dude! My girlfriend finally agreed!"
Guy 2: "Seriously? I thought last year she was all like "exit only"?
Guy 1: I guess she had an Irish referendum on the matter.
by Lairor February 9, 2010
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Che doesn't live. He was killed by the Bolivian Army just like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
by Lairor February 5, 2005
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A homemade music compilation (usually on cassette or CD-R) that contains all your favourite tracks. Often you give such a compilation to the guy or gal of your fancy in hopes that it will help you win their heart.
There's no way that girl can say no, I made her the greatest mixtape ever!
by Lairor February 14, 2005
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