62 definitions by LOKI

A work of fiction utilizing characters from a book, television show, or movie, as opposed to original characters. Referred to as "fan"fiction because it is generally written by fans obsessed with the book, television show, or movie.
"Man, I found some awesome Buffy slash fanfiction last night. Spike and Angel were getting it on!
by LOKI August 9, 2005
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A group of people who appear from out of nowhere, to perfom predetermined actions, designed to amuse and confuse surrounding people. The group performs these actions for a short amount of time before quickly dispersing. Flash mobs are often organised through email and/or newsgroup postings.
The flash mob made chicken noises, confusing others around them.
by LOKI August 13, 2003
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One word most people will say, "Hey that's my word!" or "I made that word up!"

Sometimes used as meh.

Used to show confusion.
Math Teacher: M times(3+489 to the 76th power) times IDT divided by E, times the square root of RM to the 32nd power...

Students #1, #3, #10008: WHAAAAAT?
Student #2: merf.
Hermione-like student: M+I+D+T+E+R+M!
All other students: Groan!
Loki: *sets school on fire*
by LOKI January 14, 2004
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A Fagget that Plays cs.
Seek likes men and plays cs
by LOKI August 7, 2004
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a small morsel of fecal matter. not big enough to be a log.
man, i took a dump and i layed 3 logs and 6 nuggets. it hurt, but i feel better now.
by LOKI October 1, 2004
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it means every thing is better then alright
the best of the best there is no equal
first person :- yo dude hows it going
second person :- its all millie man
yo that gurl is millie dude
by LOKI August 7, 2004
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