65 definitions by L

Code word for urinating. Commonly used while on a date or in any other social setting.

Originated in a movie theater.
Damn, after I drank that big soda, I need to get some popcorn.
by L January 16, 2005
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post modern: being wierd for the sake of being wierd
this chair is po-mo

Comment submitted with request to delete: The meaning of being "wierd" trying to be extra wierd is
hopelessly vague. It does not suit the original meanings
of this new term that are already well current in loose
modern English. The term as given in disputed usage would
be a hypernym of a word{can't think of one current} such
as "Ultra" in special use in French politics after restor-
ation of Monarchy, early 18th century. It is a little too
hyper, in my opinion.
Truly Yours,
by L January 4, 2004
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The act of hitting on women while intoxicated.

Sometimes, when drunkenly talking to a woman and resting your arm on her table, the table will get knocked over.
Man, G had hella son action before he went to talk to that chick. Look at him over there, knockin' over tables.
by L January 16, 2005
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Students Against Destructive Decisions

Quite ironically, this student organization is often occupied by students who make the most destructive decisions in the school and just need an extracurricular activity to get into college.
SADD Member: Don't drink and drive (unless you're in SADD, then you have the go-ahead).
by L June 21, 2007
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Waiting for 12-8 on void
it just sucks ass
by L August 1, 2019
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This is what people frequently accuse each other of on the internet to make themselves look dominant, manly, or grown up, due to the fact that they don't actually feel this way in real life. The tactic frequently backfires, however, when the accuser displays his lack of basic grammar skills or lack of knowledge of the caps lock key.
Forum guy 1: Damn, my favorite team lost. Oh well.

by L August 8, 2007
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'ntc' is used by prstitutes to mean 'not to completion'.
...she damn near gave me blu balls! Her bj was ntc.
by L December 22, 2004
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