9 definitions by Kristin and Kristen Company

Someone who hogs the whole gym in January, but then breaking thier resolution by mid-Febuary

january joiner, in mid-febuary: Fuck the gym, where's the chips?
by Kristin and Kristen Company November 8, 2006
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Where sick people live and doctors work.
Jimmy's uncle with cancer lives at the hospital.
by Kristin and Kristen Company November 8, 2006
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The face you use while crying. Often used in AIM chats and emos
xoadyingwishxo: My bf broke up with me I'm so sad T_T

xslitmywristsx: T_T me too, let's cry together
by Kristin and Kristen Company November 8, 2006
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A television channel that used to be good, until evil cooperators took over and thought that everything should run THIER way, in the world of Next, and Made, and whatever crap they have on now. If you live by the rules of mtv, you must

Be gay/fruity
Preppy and hate your parents, blonde and have big boobs
Emo ''everyone hates me''

mtv is very pathetic indeed
I knew Shayla was watching too much mtv when she dyed her hair blonde and asked her mother for a boob job
by Kristin and Kristen Company November 8, 2006
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I bought a Rocawear purse, a ancient kettle, Pokemon cards, and Weird Al CDS all on ebay.And get this. All under 20 dollars. I don't really understand the shipping though
by Kristin and Kristen Company November 8, 2006
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A picture, that's not even worth $1 Low quailty piece of shit black and white, usually with some emo caption under the picture. Everyone usually comments on hawt these are but they all look the same
''lyk omg comment my new myspace picture even tho i have 11 more jsut liek them!!!!1!
by Kristin and Kristen Company November 8, 2006
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A show for the shallow They all try and pretend they are straight edge by wearing big X's the next time they go out to some dumb bimbo's party but they are lying. We know they are sluts that LOVE to drink and have sex. This show is all about ''Blah blah blah'' ''Jason this'' ''Cameron did that'' ''Lexie's a whore'' Newsflash: Nobody gives a fuck.
Laguna Beach girl 1: Oh My Gawd, Talon left me for that whore Raquel. I'm so upset

Laguna Beach girl 2: Yeah what a tramp Hey, let's go trash her party tonight!

Me: *kills both of them*
by Kristin and Kristen Company November 8, 2006
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