19 definitions by Klojhgfcvbn

The world's worst extension that you can possibly get at the Chrome Web Store. It's just a fucking dipshit-like piece of crappy-ass bullshit that literally blocks any website that you can possibly think of. You can bypass it, but that doesn't matter, since this hellish motherfucking monstrosity of a extension shit act like an asshole who has no soul, no heart. Crushes your dreams for absolutely no fucking reason. It's just a cunt who is created by 3 Satan-like people known as Advait Shinde, Aza Steel, and R. Todd Mackey. This bitchass cunt is by far the worst thing anybody has ever created for a computer. It is mostly used at schools (aka learning prisons) that look at your screen for the rest of the school day, like a fucking FBI spy. If someone said you can get rid of anything you want to get rid of, then one of those things would be GoGuardian. Without that fucking hellish mess, then we would be in peace. This peace of crappy-ass motherfucking bullshit better not exist in the future, because if it does exist, everyone who is reading this has to smash their device. Make sure the teacher leaves, because if they do, get to their computer and uninstall this crap.
Person One: "Hey, why didn't you finished your homework?"
Person Two: "GoGuardian."
by Klojhgfcvbn March 18, 2022
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"No, not Disney"
by Klojhgfcvbn October 10, 2022
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North Korea is a shitty country in the Korean Peninsula that has shitty people, shitty leaders, and a shitty economy. North Korea was ruled by Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, and Kim Jong Un, who all are jackasses. Sometims people bow down to 2 giant golden statues of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. North Korea has brainwashed their citizens into thinking that the 3 Kims are their "gods". Their economy sucks ass and there's a hotel that is literally empty and they still need to pay for that fricking monsrosity, which is so expensive that is costs 2% of their GDP. North Korea HATES South Korea. Literally the oppisite of North Korea. South Korea has technology and energy that the North doesn't have, while North Korea has cheap-ass labor and minerals that the South doesn't have. South Korea has a democratic regime, while North Korea has a totalitarian regime. No one can go in and out of North Korea, which make North Korea hellish. People starve to death, got shot to death, they died in a billion ways. They have an infinite number of consentration camps, which is like prison but a lot worse. North Korea is just a sad country that has citizens who want to leave the country. Even the people who work for the government wants to leave this hellish crappy-ass bullshit-like motherfucking goddamn retarded athiest state. In the future, it won't exist because of how many countries that are pissed about North Korea. What a sad cunt this dickface country is. Welcome to North Korea. Population: 0
I don't wanna live in North Korea.
by Klojhgfcvbn March 18, 2022
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"Before, I had depression because of school, but now, thanks to Youtube, I'm now happy."
by Klojhgfcvbn April 18, 2022
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