28 definitions by Keronica Kadwell

Eyebridgeye is literally a person whose eyes are too close together. Eye, bridge (of the nose), eye. If said in an Irish or Scottish tone, it gives the feeling of more gusto and authenticity.
Aye! There’s a right eyebridgeye!
by Keronica Kadwell January 10, 2019
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My made up word from childhood for spirals.
"@" is as close as I can get to describe it. Zoi yoi's look like this, sort of.
by Keronica Kadwell February 12, 2008
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To be rubbin’ your nips; all you have to attempt is to take your hands and rub your nipples together. Don’t be alarmed if it doesn’t work.
T.H. : “listen, all you have to do is be rubbin’ your nips together whilst clicking your heels three times and proudly state: there’s no place like Rome!”

P.F. “Hahahahahaha!”
by Keronica Kadwell February 11, 2018
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Tagswapping is when one is in a grocery store and takes the 50% stickers off one item and places said tag on a better, fresher version of whatever item it is that they require.
Tagswapping is the best way to steal without actually stealing!”
by Keronica Kadwell February 5, 2018
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A person or persons whom get extraordinarily hostile while under the influence of Ketaset and/or Ketamine.
Stop insufflating that K! You’re becoming keta-mean!”
by Keronica Kadwell February 16, 2018
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McFuckery is when one is so intoxicated that they decide to go there- (meaning McDonalds)- in the first place. And then, the McDonalds employees get one’s order wrong and don’t give said one any ketchup packets!
Joe: “yo bro, I know this is a first-world-problem and shit, but I was just handed some McFuckery.”

Bob: “What kind of McFuckery is this?!”
by Keronica Kadwell February 10, 2018
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To internalize something you’ve just seen or read on the internet.
“I internetalize a lot of what I see on Google.”
by Keronica Kadwell April 7, 2018
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