173 definitions by Kate

'nesh' cold. taken from the french word 'neige' i persume means snow.
when going outside for a ciggarette 'its nuff nesh out here'
by Kate December 22, 2004
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a low-budget western film made by a european, especially an italian, film company.
"i'm bored... let's go see a spaghetti western!!"
by Kate April 18, 2004
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A barcrawl is an event planned by an organization or group of friends where people move from bar to bar at pre-designated times. The barcrawlers are often identified by a common T-shirt, which often has the bar names and times in case crawlers forget. Appears to have been popularized on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus, due to the close proximity of bars and the bar entry age of 19.
Angela threw a birthday barcrawl for her roommate's 21st birthday, and the group got completely wasted at 6 bars in one night.
by Kate December 2, 2004
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n. Slang term for cleavage. Refers to volume of breasts.
She lacked the proper boobage for that dress.
by Kate April 1, 2002
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A fear of homosexuals (most likely for a ridiculous reason)

see: racist
Joanna: I just found out what homophobic means. It's like, sooo gross! I'm homophobic!
by Kate June 21, 2004
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short for special, only cool people can use it
those two girls are very spesh.
by Kate December 25, 2004
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<i>adj.</I> <b>1.</b> Showing stereotypical traits of homosexuality. <b>2.</b> Openly homosexual or bisexual. <b>3.</b> Suspected of being homosexual or bisexual, especially in the case of a television, book, or movie character. <b>4.</b> "So Obviously Gay".
Draco Malfoy is SOG.
by Kate October 10, 2004
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