181 definitions by KAT

Area near Downtown Toronto, that became a bad area in the 60's when they began running half way houses for all the crazy people.So when you go there don't touch anyone or talk to anyone.
Also home to every immigrant that comes to Toronto.
Guy: Oh you live in Parkdale...
Me: Yeah...
Guy: That's a bad area
Me: Oh well I'm used to it
Guy: So.. how about we meet downtown
by KAT February 2, 2004
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The sport that broke my freaking ankle and sprained the other one!
by KAT July 22, 2003
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when someone comes into work looking distraught, or visibly upset, pouting, or sporting general negative vibes you say this to lighten the mood.
K: {comes in looking hungover and like she just did the walk of shame}
M: Who peed in your Wheaties??
by KAT November 26, 2004
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Someone who uses the excuse "OMG like you know me you fat pig!"
Britt used "The Twinkie Defense" when we found out she was a fat girl named "Lora"!
by KAT May 2, 2004
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One who displays excessive teenage angst.

Also: Gunthery- The display of pointless teenage angst.
"What a gunth that child is!"

"This conversation is full of gunthery!"
by KAT October 1, 2004
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that feeling of excitement when you start to love someone... how can i put this... oh, like butterflies when you have a crush or something...
She felt frisson when she looked at her ex-boyfriend. It wasn't over.
by KAT January 2, 2004
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Term given to a girl or group of girls who have all at one time hooked up with and or dated one or more men from the same social group.
"It just happened to be that they were all circle sluts, though it wasn't their fault, these boys were just friendly"
by KAT September 26, 2003
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