8 definitions by Justmean

When you are an astronaut and you jerk of in zero gravity
Marc, David and vinnny just saw Johnny snowglobing from the other side of the satellite station.
by Justmean August 26, 2020
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When you finish a gig and party all night long. Three plus sheets to the wind , puke on ur shirt , managing still to get ur luggage and check in and get to ur gate. Only to pass out and miss your flight
Cesar totally pulled a Ramos in Vegas!
by Justmean April 1, 2023
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1. Gets out of jail borrows $20 and goes back to jail

2. A man with gorgeous eyelashes

3. Comes to work drunk, leaves drunker

4. Tall, dark and handsome, suave. One who can manipulate almost any situation to success.

5. One who shits on his own chest
Damn it, he Gelegonya'd me again.
by Justmean August 15, 2019
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One who whistles while he works.
He's Gelegonya'd again.

Is he skipping or is he pulling a gelegonya?
by Justmean August 16, 2019
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1. He gets out of jail borrows twenty bucks and goes back in

2. Comes to work drunk, leaves drunker

3. A man with gorgeous eyelashes

4. Tall, dark, and handsome, suave. The ability to manipulate almost any situation to success.

5. One who shits on his own chest.
Damn it! He Gelegonya'd me again.
by Justmean August 15, 2019
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A picture of ur crotch. A picture of the front or back or the lower portion of ur body including the "private" area.
Please send me a lower selfie. I want to see that dick.
by Justmean December 31, 2018
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