28 definitions by Justice

Balls, Scrotum, Nuts, Bizalls, Jiz Bag, giggleberries, yogurt factory, nads, kahonies, ka-chachkas.
i just barely grazed one gonad accross the chair and man did it hurt
by Justice October 16, 2002
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Term adj. Used in both a positive and negative manner as a descriptor of the person being spoken to or an object in question and also to describe ones state of frustation.
Yo mufucka you better back your ass up.
Hey homey hows ya mufuckin ass been.
Mufucka i just stumped my toe.
Aint this a mufucka.
by Justice October 16, 2002
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A small phrase used to signify about to have some fun. Usually used in a rap tense.
yo its time to P.A.R.T. why? because I gotta.
by Justice October 16, 2002
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1.A person who is obsesed with guns

2.A person who craves attention

3.A member of newgrounds who nobody likes.

4.A really ugly person
Pilot-Doofy is obsesed with guns so much its unhealthy

He pulled a Pilot-Doofy when he danced on the table

I hate Pilot-Doofy

He is so ugly he is Pilot-Doofy
by Justice December 27, 2005
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Urban Slang for your beer.
Yo my nizzle pizass me a brizew.
by Justice October 16, 2002
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n. A crap that is so painful in processing, that it feels as though one just gave birth to a thoroughbred. Bonus points if the crapper takes the #2 in Lexington, KY or otherwise the turd in any way resembles Edie Arcaro.
Holy crap! I ate 8 wedges of Laughing Cow Creamy Swiss cheese 3 days ago and it finally caught up with me today. I dropped a bowl foal this afternoon - "Pressured, dueled inside, ridden out"
by Justice April 23, 2005
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