100 definitions by Jt

1. A politically correct form of government tax.

2. A device located at a statistically safe location, but where the 85th percentile road speed is more than the legally posted speed limit.

3. A device that is used to automate a portion of busy police officers' work. So they have more time to eat doughnuts.
"If we put up another tax, the people will have a fit"
"That's OK, just put up another speed camera"
by Jt July 13, 2003
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Stupid Folk are theretards who put in definitions on this site but cannot spell to save their fucking lives! PEOPLE please, don't try to dog on someone if you don't even have the intelligence to do it properly!! You only make yourself look more stupid than you already are.
"you guys shuldnt be written bad things abuot peeple on hear. its mean and hattelful. I guess I'm just part of the stupid folk"
by Jt April 9, 2005
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A superhero who is paralyzed from the neck up; they must be confined to an ab-rocker
JT The Megaplegic whore
by Jt November 9, 2004
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A whore (cum Dumpster) who can fly (a superhero, see megaplegic def. #1) Has the uncanny ability to break free from their megaplegiality and soar higher than all the paraplegic whores in the known universe
Nicky B, Mista JT, Big Al C, Bixy
by Jt November 9, 2004
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To pwn somone who is not agg in paintball. To shoot them in the face multiple times
Dude this gat mows faces

Jt mows faces on the field
by Jt March 2, 2005
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