100 definitions by Jt

A deviced used by those who have no idea where they are, to assist them in going nowhere in particular, using the shortest possible route.
A GPS knows where it is, by subracting where it used to be, from where it isn't.
by Jt July 13, 2003
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Fat kid named Daniel whos plays water polo while wearing a tight pair of shorts. Loves to look at porn and is dumb as hell in both english and Web design.
Look at that Pickle, what a looooooser!!!
by Jt February 22, 2005
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Further to earlier explanations, within the British Army, also used in response to an answer to an obvious question. This is a question that you have set the other person up to answer. Can become quite frustrating as you become paranoid answering any question in case it is a Wah!
Steve "Is that a can of beer in your hand Bill?"
Bill "Yeah!"
Steve "Wah!"
Bill "Bugger, been Wah'd again!"
by Jt November 9, 2004
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A rapist Bigfoot. Probably watched 'reelkiddymovs' as a teen.
"That's way too much sass cum!"
by Jt December 27, 2005
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A synonym for "idiot"
Don't be such a zurt
by Jt September 8, 2004
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