13 definitions by Joe Jacobs

An E-mail started to scare people. In the past they were filled with scary images of what could happen if you did not send to the desired amount of people. Now they are filled with sad stories or jokes that have a tag along that tells you have to send to desired amount of people or something bad will happen.
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Ugot Who?
Ugot to send this to 15 people in the next 12 minutes or your balls will fall off.
by Joe Jacobs December 15, 2004
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An online Jewish Dating Service.
"I got a J-date in an hour."
by Joe Jacobs December 15, 2004
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Brian went and gaked himself.
by Joe Jacobs December 15, 2004
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It's like crack for nerds.
David's addicted to Everquest.
by Joe Jacobs December 15, 2004
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Altered verios of the word 'sweet' in a German accent.
"Oh, that is so schveet!"
by Joe Jacobs December 15, 2004
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