913 definitions by JoE

Predominantly used in the early 1980's, The Whip is anything that is fresh, far out, rockin, neat, cool, funky, awesome, great, etc. Can be used for many different things.
However, if something isn't cool, it's "like the whip" because nothing can be like the whip, either it is or it isn't.
Man, your new car is the whip!
Did you see her? She was the whip!
That pizza I just ate was the whip!
by JoE April 30, 2004
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A person who thinks they are black, but are actually white. I.e. White chalk on a black chalk board.
"He's a chalky", "Look at that chalky."
by JoE December 11, 2003
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One who likes to feel your pain, (as opposed to Republican: one who likes to cause your pain.)
The typical Democrat is somewhat of a masochist, but all Republicans are Sadists and many are currently exibiting highly overblown levels of nationalism which can be reasonably compared with the behavior seen in the early years in Nazi Germany.
by JoE September 3, 2003
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Smoke pot.
Special place designated to smoke pot.
Let's go VIP.
Come on up to the VIP
by JoE September 3, 2003
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my god dont be a silvio!
by JoE August 4, 2003
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Damn, she's a World of Loving
by JoE December 12, 2002
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Getting fellatio after performing anal sex
I anoraled that girl
by JoE December 30, 2005
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