3- is the simple texting lingo for buttsex. It can be used to indicate sexual desire, or to make your friends uncomfortable.
by xXBigDaddySmasher69Xx January 13, 2017
3<3 is a widget for a butt shooting out a cloud of fart. You can even make the fart emphasis more powerful by typing in more <'s like 3<<<<<<<<3 or 3<3<3<3<3<3<3 It can often be mistaken for a heart <3 widget though.
BR-r-r-r-r-rRRT!! 3<3 IN YO FACE.
Squeeze it, baby. 3<3
I totally farted HARD dude. 3<<<<<<3 RIPPED IT
Squeeze it, baby. 3<3
I totally farted HARD dude. 3<<<<<<3 RIPPED IT
by Rhett1a January 27, 2011
it means anal sex. the first 3 is the woman's ass, the - is the penis, and the last three is the dude's but
by John April 29, 2004
by pan21da October 4, 2010
A symbol for a heart. Usually used when you type it in the space bar of the computer because you are lonely. Or used when texting that special someone. ; ) .... or when texting your mom because again you're lonely... or just really love your mom... or your mom is cool enough to understand internet slang... ANYWAY <3 means heart
by Anonymus someone who cant spel January 29, 2019
Kindergarten teacher: Alright Gabe time to take your counting test!
Young GabeN: 1, 2, 4, 5-
Kindergarten teacher: wait you forgot 3!
Young GabeN: ??? wut?
Young GabeN: 1, 2, 4, 5-
Kindergarten teacher: wait you forgot 3!
Young GabeN: ??? wut?
by Sack o' Flaps September 22, 2019
-3- represents a kissy face the 3 is the puckered lips and the two - are the closed eyes.
Hope that cleared everything up 😊
Hope that cleared everything up 😊
by Chemille June 22, 2018