138 definitions by Jersey kid

A pretty cool west coast state.

- Not everything is a picture perfect beach like MTV wants you to believe. They have ghettos, deserts, boring suburbs, just like the rest of america. However I've been to La Jolla Beach, San Diego and the water was beautiful, so I'm not saying there are no good beaches, I'm saying that that there is more to the state than beaches.

- I don't get why people from Cali brag about how "ghetto" their state is. Being ghetto isn't a good thing, it means you are more likely to be killed, get an std, and be poor. But a lot of rappers come from California, tupac,dre, snoop dog, e-40, mac dre, etc. so they have contributed to the hip-hop industry

- Not everyone is hot. Yes, there are very beautiful people living in California but be realistic, around 30 million people live there, do you think that every last one of them is hot? Especially since a large number of them are little kids, old people, and fat people.

- I don't get why we have this East Coast Vs. West coast thing. How bout we accept the facts that we have different styles but we both offer a lot of good things? I was born in New York and I don't hate the west coast that would stupid. How can you hate a place just becuase it's not where you live? When people say the East Coast sucks, they're dissing states from Maine to Florida, so your basically dissing America which if your from the west coast is your country as well.

- Yes Illegal immigration is a problem but it's still a problem in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Florida and other states to. I live in New Jersey and we have the same problem so it's not California. Also don't be so harsh, yes Illegal should be documented and put on goverment records but if they wanna work, become Americans, and support their family than good for them.

- Lots of cool cities, San Fran, Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego.

So overall I love California as a state.
East Coast Vs. West Coast is stupid. California is great and so is New York. America rocks.
by Jersey kid January 23, 2008
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Don't write a definition if you've never been there
- Largest city in the nation, NYC
- Lowest obesity rate, New England
- Lots of history, Philly, DC, and Boston
- Richest state, Connecticut
- Two of most populated states, NY and Florida
- Kickass beaches, NJ, Florida, Carolinas, Rhode Island
- Top 6 smartest states all on the East Coast, Vermont Massachusetts,Connecticut,New Jersey, Maine, Virginia

Ignorant Person: East Coast sucks!

Me: What part?

Ignorant Person: idk, I've never actually been there....

**This isn't a diss to west coasters, I love California, I'm just saying we deserve more credit than we get as a region****
by Jersey kid January 29, 2008
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A Latino, mostly mexican gang in Southern California or some other southern place in the U.S. Surenos means southerners in spanish
surenos from Los Angeles don't play
by Jersey kid February 8, 2008
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How people try to imitate a southern person saying "New Orleans"
Come to Nawlinz durin' Mardi Gras
by Jersey kid January 22, 2008
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A now cheesy word that people that don't use anymore except in commericals. Bling Bling used to refer to large amounts of jewelry or large rims on cars, either way something shiny and expensive object.
Lame 40yr old person trying to be cool: Hey Dawg! Wanna get some bling bling-izzle in this tizzle?

Me: I'm not even black and I know that's not how they say it
by Jersey kid January 29, 2008
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The gulf coast Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Florida
Montgomery, New Orleans, Houston, and Miami are all on the third coast.
by Jersey kid February 10, 2008
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Why do you think New Jersey is full of trash? Is it because we have 8 million residents, we have beaches, and forests? Is it because Red Man, Queen latifah, Derek Jeter, Kevin Jonas and a lot of other famous people are from here. Is it because your scared to go to Camden, the nation's most dangerous city? Is it because you can't afford to live in our rich area's like Bergen County? Maybe it's because you've only seen the outskirts of North Jersey? Maybe it's because you've never been to LBI?
Hater: New Jersey is filled with trash.

Me: Well if your so secure with where your from than why do you feel the need to make up lies about other places that you've never been to?
by Jersey kid January 26, 2008
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