7 definitions by Jerry Winston

Very very shit nu-metal / skate / grunge band that split up acrimoniously after some gay rock magazine had the temerity to slate them. Now used as a generic term for any band that suck shit.
"Jnr Loaded were expelled from Satan's rectum"
"The Stones used to be good, they're fucking Jnr Loaded now"
by Jerry Winston September 9, 2003
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The practice of whooping, screeching and shouting like a fucking retard at any concert, show, gig, sporting event or whatever, usually accompanied by much air-punching, stupid hand gestures and acting like a retarded American teenage cunt with stupid parents and an MTV fixation.
"Dave did the yankee doodle wanky at the Bangles gig. I was so embarrassed."
by Jerry Winston September 9, 2003
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An exclamation of disgust with someone deeply fucking stupid. Very handy when some stupid chav doesn't get a joke.
"Well, do you get it?"
"Ah, go bollocks"
by Jerry Winston September 9, 2003
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A twat who thinks he's hard because he slaps women around.
"I kicked clayson's miserable fucking head in after I caught him beating on his woman"
by Jerry Winston September 9, 2003
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A useful generic term for anyone who's dull, dirty, mentally retarded and stinks a bit. Derived from an episode of the Young Ones (British comedy series c.1983).
by Jerry Winston September 9, 2003
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