16 definitions by Japfreak

winer (plu. winers)... or to wine (verb)

One who whines and dines; typically drinking cheap red wine out of a bag-in-box (for example Monsieur Rouge)
- He's just been wining since his girlfriend left him
by Japfreak February 12, 2005
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also spency, xpensy or xpensi. Derive from eXPENSIve and means the same thing.
- Oh man, that drink was spensy! But then again, that underaged girl sure could use it.
by Japfreak February 13, 2005
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motsats till introducera
- "Fan, jag pallar inte med den här festen. Kan inte du utroducera mig?"
by Japfreak February 24, 2004
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Gothenburg wigger slang. Short for definitely. Also used instead of "for real", when wanting to point out that something is very true or given.
- I deffo need some weed right now.


- This crib rocks!
- Deffo!
by Japfreak January 3, 2004
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A really huge or fat ho - were fat means what Trunkbutt calls "the condition of weighing more than the medically prescribed average for a specific height and age range"
dinosaur + whore = dinoho
by Japfreak January 3, 2004
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failed 30-somethings
The college party was packed with 30-nothings
by Japfreak February 28, 2005
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As defined by Angela Ramaccioni (Italian punk-drummer):

"Dramaticool defines a pessimistic and pensive person who still loves and believes in life with all his/her soul... can also be used as an adjective for other things"
"James Dean is dramaticool"


"Eternal sunshine for a spotless mind is a dramaticool movie"
by Japfreak April 24, 2005
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