10 definitions by Jagfire

<hau> I'm running low on viruses, any suggestions?
<die> KaZaA
by Jagfire March 11, 2003
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Elite/l33t/31337 hax0rz are hackers. If they really talk like this, they're probably not elite nor hackers at all. But play along with them.
iM 3lit3 - HaXoRz iLl hAcXkZ J00 AlL LaMu3rZ@@~
by Jagfire March 11, 2003
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A word that I wish people would actually use when they're supposed to.
<C> Your dumb!
<JB> It's "you're". Idiot.
by Jagfire June 21, 2003
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On IRC, use it when somebody asks a question in a non-help channel.
<Bob> can you give me Scan for clones for the all network ?
<Jag> /exit
* Bob has quit IRC
by Jagfire March 11, 2003
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<bob> hi
<kek> you're lame
by Jagfire March 11, 2003
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