36 definitions by Jack Batemaster

A type of DJ scratch that uses a hand to vibrate the vinyl by creating fluttering friction which makes the speed of the record jump slower very quickly.
You have to have sticky fingers to perform the hydroplane, otherwise it will just slow the record down.
by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004
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A chemical found in Wormwood based drinks. The more pork ribs, the better the Balz(TM) tripping.
That HG was so high in pork ribs, I literally tripped Balz(TM).
by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004
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Originally some noroM's mis-spelling of the word "great." Now used to refer to those noroMs.
That's some grate pork rib shit, man!
by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004
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In the 1970's and 1980's, what older people used to call heavy metal and hard rock. Now most of those people are dead, but sometimes you'll hear someone say it at the retirement home.
Junior, cut your sideburns and stop listening to that Acid Rock or you'll start worshipping Satan!
by Jack Batemaster January 8, 2004
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Something cool, rad. The shit.
That antique Pontarlier glass is the boat!
by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004
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One of the members of the 1970's disco soul duo: Peaches and Herb.
I'm glad they replaced Peaches. Herb is the talented one. Maybe they'll release a new disco album?
by Jack Batemaster January 8, 2004
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