36 definitions by Jack Batemaster

Derogatory term for some one who is both black and white. Mullato.
That checker kid's mom is white.
by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004
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Used like dude, man, G.
Wazzup, chet?
by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004
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Someone who listens to butt rock. They usually have big long hair or a mullet and wear rock t-shirts and jeans.
That butt rocker over there is listening to Def Leppard.
by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004
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Don't answer the door, it's just a crispy trying to sell their bible magazines.
by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004
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Drinking so much Absinth that you start to hallucinate.
We drank so much of that Bairnsfather Bitter at the frat party that we started to Trip Balz.
by Jack Batemaster April 29, 2005
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A DJ skratch which manipulates the vinyl record by moving it quickly 4 times without the use of a fader or transformer.
The DJ started to break out the old school skribbles and wicky wickys.
by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004
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Also known as the "baby scratch." A DJ scratch that only involves moving the vinyl back and forth without using a fader or transformer. Usually the first scratch that is learned by a novice.
That DJ sucks, all he knows is the wicky wicky.
by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004
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