12 definitions by JT the man

racism on the internet. Most racists are internet racists so that they can talk hardcore trash about your ethnicity all day and remain annonymous, since they clearly lack the balls to say anything to your face in real life. IR's will prowl the internet looking for any reference to your race (articles, pictures, videos, etc.) and talk crap about you, all while hiding behind the safety of their computer screens. Lots of them are at youtube making garbage comments about you. Some are even here at Urban Dictionary. Don't believe me? Look at most of the definitions for 'black people' where most of said definitions are in some way demeaning black people.

The best advice for regular internet-goers: Just ignore internet racism. Ignoring racism makes you strong. Always remember: as a normal person, you're always one step above a racist. Always.
Look up any video on youtube that involves African-Americans, and you're 100% absolutely guranteed to find people posting "I hate niggers" comments. That's internet racism for ya.
by JT the man April 4, 2008
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1. a chemist who knows a lot about the history and common uses for the element Silicon

2. anyone who prefers breast implants over natural breasts.
1. Mr. J sure knows a lot about silicon and stuff...what a silicon geek!

2. Jimmy said he'd dump his girlfriend unless she got some implants...what a silicon geek!
by JT the man April 12, 2008
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someone who always whines and complains about getting type killed. Here are some things a type kill bitch and people avoiding type kill bitch status should always keep in mind while gaming:

1. Typing in a battlefield is a stupid idea because you WILL MOST LIKELY get shot.

2. Use a freaking headset if you can't handle keyboard-communications. If you cant afford a headset, pull out your freaking phone and chat live with your allies.

3. But if you absolutely positivley have to type during a battle, be sure to completely hide yourself instead of standing out in the open where you'll die.
Player 1: **HEADSHOT**
Player 2: "...."
Player 2: "Hey faggot I was busy chatting with my gf"
Player 1: "too bad."
Player 2: "Stupid gay little noob I was typing something"
Player 1: "Quit being such a type kill bitch and respawn already."
by JT the man May 14, 2008
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a historical ideal (sparked in the 1700s) held by SOME, not all, Europeans that they had a duty, rather a "burden", put on themselves to take care of all the other "inferior" races of the earth. This was often used as an excuse for racism, genocide, slavery, and imperialism.

Contrary to this idea is the Black man's burden which was to put up with the cruel treatment from the White man. However, seeing how both racial imperialism and slavery are over, neither the White man nor the Black man should be complaining about "burdens".
the white man's burden should be to support all the other races of the earth, and so should be the black man's burden.
by JT the man January 4, 2008
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a genre of music that is all too often stereotyped for being highly materialistic and confused with Hip Hop.

Rap stands for Rhythm and Poetry, not Retards atempting Poetry (and this is for all the urban dictionary drones who copied the first acronym into their definitions).

Ignorant people often mistake rap for guys rhyming about cars, houses, drugs, sex, etc. This is what you'd call "Commercial Rap", that is, rappers who have signed on to huge record labels only to lose control of their self respect, waving their money around in the face of their lower-class counterparts. Commercial Rappers are completely unaware that they are ruining rap's good name by spoiling the lyrical styles with materialistic garbage. Old school rap and new non-crap rap music is called Underground rap.

Ignorant people also confuse rap and hip hop. Here's the difference: Rap is focused almost completley on the lyrics, usually telling a story or expressing one's self in such a way. Hip Hop is focused on the beat/melody, where the hip hop artist, NOT the rapper, is simply adding rhyming phrases to his or her music. Hip Hop is in no way a variation of rap. Occasionaly, a rapper might do a collaboration or remix to a hip hop song, but rarely vice versa.

Examples of good rappers are Tupac Shakur, Nas, Mos Def (the old school rappers), and examples of the Commercial rappers are 50 cent, Lil Wayne, and any rapper/rap group who talks more about what they have than what they could be doing for society, like the good rappers.

Also, this is America: a grossly capitalistic nation, in which our economic advantages and ignorance seep into all kinds of musical genres, unfortunatly Rap the most. The real problem with rap today is that youngsters who want to be rappers aren't influenced by the good old school Tupac-esque rappers anymore; the only thing they hear on radio stations these days is the commercial garbage rap, and thus they want to become a commercial rapper. Tupac would piss all over these fake rappers if he were still alive.

Lastly, rap is not just for black people. Rap music is for EVERYONE...no race can ever "own" a genre of music. Examples of skilled non-black rappers are Eminem, Paul Wall, Cyprus Hill, Daddy Yankee, etc. Hopefully, this definition got through to someone.
Rap is good. Commercial rap sucks. Therefore, Tupac is awesome, 50cent is lame.
by JT the man January 4, 2008
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a statement used when a situation becomes either undeniably irreversible or utterly impossible to explain due to temporary unfavorable circumstances. Often preceded by the "it's not what it looks like" statement. In other words: you're busted and you can't come up with a good excuse without getting beat up or yelled at.
A girl comes to a guy's house for a visit. They enjoy a good conversation. They turn on the tv. The air conditioner doesn't work so they take off a few items of clothing. They have a friendly fight over the remote and start wrestling on the ground. The guy's overzealous girlfriend walks in to see them holding eachother, nearly half naked on the carpet. The guy is shocked and says "Wait, it's not what it looks like...I can explain."
by JT the man January 2, 2008
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that one person at school who you don't know, but they know pretty much everything about you, including your address, your nicknames, family members, click, musical interests, hobbies, etc etc, simply by giving excessive attention to your Myspace profile. That person most likely wants to talk to you IRL, but can't due to a lack of good social skills, so they stalk your profile in a subliminal effort to get to know you.
to avoid being stalked by a myspace stalker, set your profile to "private" so they have to be on ur friends list before they can view your info.
by JT the man April 12, 2008
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