7 definitions by Isis

The best damn sport in the world. Drumline, Flagline, and Hornline all working together to show those *other* bands what we're all about.
AIRPORT, you are not a scufflin' band. You are a marching band. Do it right!

Play with the band, *sigh*, not with yourselves.

Sell it ladies, sell it!

You will always be our sexiest drumline!
by Isis October 31, 2003
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I don't know about Shylock HOLMES, but i do know that Shylock was a character in one of Shakespear's plays (The Merchant of Venice). He was a Jewish usurer, so saying that a person is a Shylock means he's a loan shark.
You shouldn't mess with the guys down on 57th, they're real shylocks and the interest rates will kill you.
by Isis January 2, 2005
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A mixture of sexual jusices from the main parts, booty, di_k, and pu$#y, usually left on the bed sheets!
I never lay on my homegirl's bed, i would hate to lay in a spot of dried up boodussy juices.
by Isis February 24, 2005
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Shylock was a character in one of Shakespear's plays (The Merchant of Venice). He was a Jewish usurer, so saying that a person is a Shylock means he's a loan shark.
You really shouldn't mess with the guys down on 57th, they're real shylocks and the interest rates will kill you.
by Isis January 2, 2005
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Being fucked far, far past the realm of normal fucking.
You just got peanutbutterfucked!
by Isis April 12, 2004
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my ground state of mind.

ksfj;sghsd'kgjsd'ks'af'sdf (what to type on im's if someone confuses you)

me when veiwing chatspeak. (I'M A WRITER!!! I CAN'T READ CHATSPEAK)

defintion of all cheerleaders and cheerleader wanna-be's
omg! he wuz totaly like (insert chatspeak here... i can't type it)

Me: *stares, blinks* huh.....?
by Isis February 23, 2005
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when you hate a tick and a twich at the same time
look, she has a twick on her hard
by Isis March 24, 2005
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