8 definitions by ImHell666

well we need hamilton

Where a country's economy is down and tries to improve it
Named after Alexander Hamilton, our first secretary of treasury
by ImHell666 February 28, 2017
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ree roo

by ImHell666 February 21, 2017
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When your coach tells you to have to be the goalie at the next soccer game, and automatically you know you're fucked ass.
Coach: "Hey (your name) you're goalie next game!"
You: "Goalie?! WTF?!"
Coach: "What did you just say?!"
by ImHell666 November 5, 2018
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why do you exist

Possibly the most GTAish insult you can come up with.
annoying person- "hi"
you- "hello"
annoying person- "(starts talking random shit)"
you -"why do you exist?"
annoying person- "..."
by ImHell666 April 24, 2018
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where the red fern grows

Where a dog and a bitch die
I buried my dogs in where the red fern grows
by ImHell666 February 28, 2017
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Oh I'm sorry!

When you hurt someone's feelings but really don't give a slight fuck about how they feel.
Your Girl: "Why you won't have sex with me?"
You: "Oh I'm sorry!"
by ImHell666 November 5, 2018
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oh shut up

Just a crappy way of telling people to sometimes shut their piehole up
oh shut up dude you're talkative and stupid
by ImHell666 April 29, 2016
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