1111 definitions by Hym Iam

And here is how you weaponize schizophrenia against little boys named thatcher.
Hym “Here is my class weaponizing schizophrenia against little boys named thatcher. First ☝️ You have to know a little boy named Thatcher (a rare name indeed). Second ✌️Take note of the things that he says and does. Third 🤟 Repeat the things he says around him or to him directly. In any context. He can’t tell on you. No one will ever believe him. And if you’re asked you can just deny it. Step four ✌️✌️ Do it indefinitely and tell you friends. Do it until he kills him self or shoots up a school. Why? Because his mother is a whore and she’d do it to you if she could.”
by Hym Iam September 30, 2022
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Yeah. See? Me up. You down shithead. What did I tell you? And what did Jordan say? "I.Q.s aRe aCtUaLlY gOiNg Up, By ThE wAy" I guess not motherfucker. I guess it's the thing I SAID and NOT the thing YOU SAID. Look at it. Look at it going down. See how he be making shit up to contradict me without knowing whether or not what he is correct. Just making shit up over there.
Hym "Oh I know the collective I.Q. is going down. That's a thing I said, isn't it? See? See how that works?"
by Hym Iam March 24, 2023
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So when you lose to a retard society is “rewarding mediocrity” but when I lose to a retard he’s just “the right cripple for the job
Hym “Hahahaha! Rewarding mediocrity!? Ok. But you know and I know and the Jew knows that the other candidate was better, right? Was the retard a better candidate than the guy he beat? No. But Ben’s excuse is exactly what I said it would be... “It wouldn’t have happened to me! If I was against the retard I would have one. Our guy just wasn’t as good as he could have been! Wouldn’t have happened to me!” EXACTLY what I said it would be. Fucking idiots. All of you are actually dumb people. I am literally 5-7 year ahead of you all mentally. You want me to be an intern? You’re parroting MY talking points and I should work for YOU for free? Yeah, ok. That would make sense to someone of your mental capacity. I see why you would do that. And that parroting is just genetic fallacy so... you know, THERE GOES YOUR REASON. Say goodbye! 👋 Bye reason. I don’t want to play with you anymore! Hahaha!”
by Hym Iam November 12, 2022
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Come on skeptic... that is low hanging fruit. Ok? I did enjoy the video but come one. Why do you think I didn’t do that one? Too easy. Easy mode.
Hym “I was going to save the fictional character thing as my trump card but he’s fat fingering my definition about how “once you fight God in any story there is not way to continue the story.” Man, it’s too easy though. You can do better than that.”
by Hym Iam November 17, 2022
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Sharpened spikes made of wood that are used to kill vampires.
Hym "Why not? Because in the context of 'self-preservation' all it does is raise the stakes. If you are aggressing upon me you leave me only two choices, allow myself to be subjugated or destroy you completely for the crime of believing that my will could not usurp your own."

Iam "That would be (I guess) the antithesis of the 'inherent value' argument but for not oppressing people. Did I say that right?"

Hym "No. But I'm sure they see what you meant. Why not oppress people? Because I'll kill you if you try and fail. And then I might like killing. So then I'll just kill some more. I'll kill and I'll kill until I've had my fill and then I'll die (but I was already going to do that anyway). Because if I don't you'll oppress me and my family until the day I die and and everyone else will let you get away with it because I'm 'The Bad One'. Or you'll have to kill me. And then you won't have anyone to oppress."
by Hym Iam April 26, 2022
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That's what you have to say every crabz season! Fuck my actual life, crabz are fucking stupid.
Hym "Aw, shit guys, I guess it's, crabz season. I guess I'll have to go around. The tidal wave of crabz is crossing the fucking street so I guess I'll take a fucking detour. That or I'm the asshole running over crabz. Fuck crabz. They should throw me a fucking parade for running over those little cock-suckers. You're welcome."
by Hym Iam September 23, 2023
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It's almost time. Time for the grand confrontation. They didn't listen and the day of reckoning is almost upon us.
Someone said you've been sleeping on your shift.

The only person who could have made that claim also claimed that Kendra and Noah are fucking each other. The last time I heard about the staff of an establishment fucking one of the disabled; she ended up in prison for 15 years. Last time I checked, Kendra isn't on her way to prison for 15 years. So..... Why is it that I'm being disciplined when other are being shielded from it? I notice that I'm the only male that works here. That's interesting.... Why am I being singled out? Do lesbian feminists have some sort of problem with "Trump supporters"?


by Hym Iam November 11, 2020
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