21 definitions by Hellsprung

Some one no matter how hard they try will never do anything considered new.
He has never thought up an original quote, he is such a meme person.
by Hellsprung June 23, 2017
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The state of having lived multiple infinities.
Satan's punishment shall be so long it shall become infinotic.
by Hellsprung January 29, 2018
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To be ignorant
Some autistic spectrum children are a retard and must be gently handled.
by Hellsprung February 14, 2018
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The utter shattering of your teeth (self grinding) on your indestructible joined love ones eonically driven.
In Gehenna there is The gnashing of teeth.
by Hellsprung December 9, 2017
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A being that experiences infinity every moment.
Only Kenneth David Edgar Anderson lives inside the infinitic universe.
by Hellsprung February 26, 2018
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The exponential worsening of existence based on how God splatters your substance permanently relative to heaven on earth. The gnashing of the soul.
God is going to do some splatter work on the unpardonable sinners to prove a point that 100% evil is so thoroughly encapsulted.
by Hellsprung December 6, 2017
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