173 definitions by Heather

An idiotic leader who thinks he knows whats best for our country but really he only cares about oil and trying to finish what his father started a decade ago. A president who doesn't seem to care about the real issues of the nation. But only the things that make him look better, but in all reality make him look like a jack ass.
oh look its president bush.
alls president bush wants is oil.
does president bush even care about the people of this country?
by Heather December 8, 2004
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A curse word when you've done something quite stupid. Monkey added on after fuck somewhat softens the word fuck when fuck may seem a bit too harsh.
When you keep missing easy shots in a game of pool you may blurt out "Fuck monkey!!" due to your frustration with yourself.
by Heather December 25, 2003
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My bro, friend, or close person.
Known in northern cali... amongst other places.
Heat: "hey will whats up, havent heard from you in awhile"
Will: " what up swandog, I am great"
by Heather February 26, 2005
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i'm trying to listen to my music but i can't because them to are sucking face in my backseat
by Heather August 11, 2004
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a motion/expression of ecxitement shared by heather and her friends over trivial things in life
high five for ice cream
high five for barefeet
high five for urine in a cup and so on
by Heather June 10, 2003
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see LUG., a woman who adopts a lesbian lifestyle while attending college
Janet was a four year lesbian but married her husband after she finished college.
by Heather December 3, 2003
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Me and Candice got SOO messed last night at the bar!
by Heather February 9, 2004
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