23 definitions by HAZE

ziiing.com. The extra i means extra ziing! Extra comedy! Extra attitude! TO THE MAX!1

Person: "ZIIING!"
by HAZE March 23, 2004
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A disgusting boil, welt, pimple, or herpe, pox, or zit on the human body.
by HAZE March 9, 2005
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Teh 1337est and finest of them all - his sexiness rules over everybody and he is king
1337 Uber Sexah Veteran Shifty!!!11!!
by HAZE July 20, 2004
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Work colleague of Heeley's mum, who goes down to the docks, and whores hmself out to fund his gragarious crack habit.
Yo ditchill, how much yo' cost?

I'm cheap, sailor boy.
by HAZE February 2, 2004
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PHP is a powerful web scripting language, famous for its ease of use and ability to interact seamlessly with SQL type databases. PHP takes a lot of its syntax from Perl and C++, and it is in this way that programmers familiar with these languages can pick up PHP rather easily.

Advantages: Can be much easier to read than Perl, arguably easier to learn

Disadvantages: Might teach sloppy programming habits (not having to define variables etc) and can be less compact than Perl.

if("PHP" > "Perl") {

//returns true :p


by HAZE December 30, 2004
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A device used to retain faeces in the anus. Comes in a variety of colours and brands, and can be used to stash faeces in readiness for a "Turd Twister".
Wear your ass hat with pride.
by HAZE January 17, 2004
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